Beth Keegan
UX designer + researcher based in Chicago
Selected work 🖥️
🍴 Order Management Application
Redesigning a future order management tool for a multinational food and beverage chain involved various stages, from initial Object-Oriented UX research, usability testing, and system usability survey to pilot preparation, rollout communications, and support.
The initiative resulted in a notable increase in the usability task-ease score, showing a significant improvement of +40.2% from the pilot phase to the full-scale rollout.
💰 Financial Reconciliation Tool
Working with our client’s team of auditors, we redesigned a key financial tool used to save the business money by reconciling discrepancies between sold products and earned commission.

The reconciliation tool helps auditors find data inconsistencies, create a plan to address them and view the progress throughout the process.
If you would like to learn more, contact me! ⬇️​​​​​​​
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